DnD Tallinn - The MENTOR sessions - 07.03.2022
E, 07. märts
|Von Krahl
Venue: Von Krahl Model: Female Nude Host & Instructor: Anton Egerov ( ENG / RUS ) Mentor Sessions are instructed drawing classes with a guest artist which will help you gain new skills and techniques.

Time & Location
07. märts 2022, 18:00 GMT +2 – 08. märts 2022, 18:00 GMT +2
Von Krahl, Rataskaevu 10, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia
About The Event
Venue: Von Krahl Model: Female Nude Host & Instructor: Anton Egerov ( ENG / RUS ) Mentor Sessions are instructed drawing classes with a guest artist which will help you gain new skills and techniques. For our second set we havefound our DnD regular Anton Egerov prepared to share some of his secret sauce! This session is especially interesting for beginners, for Anton is going to explain the overall structure of the torso and how to understand and communicate it expressively. There will be a small introduction and Anton will guide you through some exercises. After the sessions, you are encouraged to put your drawings on stage for feedback. Molberts, boards and sketch materials are icluded and available. Any medium will work, as long as it can give a variety of marks from thin to thick and from light to dark, We reccomend a Medium Cretacolor Nero Pencil. We provide a3 sketch paper ( and smaller ) to draw…